Alphabetical Index

A rest remaineth for the weary211
A rest remaineth for the weary280
Abide, O Lord and Savior135
Ah, now it is done! – I no more am mine own209
All Hail the Pow’r of Jesus’ Name320
All praise to God upon His throne128
All praise, Lord Jesus Christ, to Thee123
Arise, all ye believers050
Art thou fearful? See the Pilot317
As the hart for water panteth157
At home ‘tis good170
Awake ye, for past is the spiritual night305
Awake, thy thanks to render154
Baptized into Thy name most holy041
Baptized, O Lord, in Thee043
Battling on and ever striving039
Be praised and adored141
Be thou faithful unto death260
Be thou faithful unto death!105
Behold how beauteous, how good and pleasant327
Behold the tomb is vacant now289
Behold! There in Gethsemane309
Beloved brethren, fare ye well!264
Beloved friends, we now must part143
Blessed is the man082
Blessed rest when toiling here is ended295
Blessed Savior, come to me238
Blessed Zion, be contented038
Blessed, blessed, blessed are they339
Blossoming youth, thou our hope168
Bravely strive when God doth call thee047
Can it be a pleasure?149
Can it be a pleasure?345
Care will I not borrow!196
Cast sorrow and grief046
Christ, my King, draws near in glory284
Come Thou, O my Friend, I pray Thee239
Come, follow Me, the Savior spake057
Come, pilgrims, join in singing136
Coming to Christ’s tomb at dawning319
Commit whatever grieves thee335
Cry aloud, ye watchmen’s voices112
Dear Jesus, would that I could be164
Do you see the Shepherd wandering015
Dost thou love Me? the Lord did ask117
Draw us to Thee, Thus hasten we125
Enter in love’s kingdom069
Eternal Love, I love Thee only227
Eternity, thou joyful word103
Every spirit prove, O prove ye127
Faith and hope and charity078
Faith at last its seal receiveth245
Faithful Savior, we are here144
Farewell, farewell, my morning dawns342
Festal day, with joy I greet thee126
Fleeting is my span of years253
Follow Me, the Lord is pleading095
For the homeland’s blessed stillness283
Forever with the Lord326
Forsake me not, O God, hear Thou my crying287
Forsake the world with its vain show107
Forward still! Forward still!020
Forward! Strive to gain the goal!092
From His wounds flow blessings gracious162
Gentle Lamb and Prince of Peace!240
Glorious and loveliest Zion323
Glory be to God in heaven034
Glory to God in His Heaven!009
Go and slumber286
God is my song308
God is present with us!068
God the Father of Christ Jesus031
God with us! We need not fear100
God, my Hope, my Expectation093
Gracious Lord, to Thee we hold us061
Grateful are Thy members ever161
Hallelujah, lovely morning268
Hallelujah, praise ye the Lord001
Hallelujah, to God now sing002
Hark! How the angel host277
Haste to save thy soul forever052
Hear and understand the lessons030
Hear Thou me, Blessed Jesus, hear Thou me152
Heart to heart united closely033
Heart, why dost thou for the morrow150
Heavenward, still heavenward091
Here I have no abiding city274
His grace may God be giving134
His grace may God be giving346
Hold God , we laud Thy name101
Holiest, Holiest023
Holy God, behold, my heart is turning010
Holy Lord, holy Lord022
Holy love, thou Flame from heaven072
Holy Spirit, Comforter140
Holy, blessed is the hour218
Homeland dear, homeland dear343
How blest are we whom God doth love206
How bright is the Christian’s own innermost living058
How good to be a lamb of Christ the Savior016
How lovely shines the Morning Star223
I am Jesus’ little lamb017
I am so sad and weary!242
I bow before love’s power unending074
I place myself in Jesus’ hands177
I will strive here that I’ll live there278
If any soul forsake His way267
It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord254
It is so good the Father to be nearing235
Jehovah is my Shepherd true153
Jehovah! Jehovah! Jehovah! Thee we honor!251
Jesus lives! And with Him I!120
Jesus reigns, let us adore Him190
Jesus will I never leave228
Jesus will I never leave318
Jesus! My Life, my Fond Hope006
Jesus, blessed Friends and Savior028
Jesus, Head and Ruler solely189
Jesus, in the night of His betrayal026
Jesus, Lover of my Soul266
Jesus, our great Mediator029
Jesus, our sweet Rest019
Jesus, Savior, come to me!077
Jesus, Thou art mine forever197
Jesus, Thou my soul’s true Rest291
Joyfully, joyfully onward I move273
Know ye the land?300
Know ye the Son, the mighty Son of God?299
Let me be, my Maker167
Let me go, let me go265
Let us all in peace and concord237
Let us with deep meditation217
Life’s true gladness is in heaven261
Lift your hearts in songs immortal214
Live peaceably! Thus said the Lord195
Look Thou today with grace and favor219
Lord God, all laud to Thee013
Lord Jesus, all our thanks and praise014
Lord Jesus, dearest of all friends055
Lord Jesus, look on me045
Lord Jesus, Thou art King012
Lord, again a day is closing049
Lord, again the sun is risen048
Lord, come in! Lord, come in!024
Lord, give to me faith’s light and power062
Lord, I think of Thee, and joy of heaven182
Lord, I would be Thine forever205
Love Divine, Thou once didst make me080
Love it is that we here share243
Love, O greatest blessing given037
Love, O greatest blessing given (Alt)344
Low, how pleasant and how fair181
May soon Thy fire be burning brightly073
Meekness is a virtue gracious186
Meekness is a virtue gracious337
Mid life’s anguish I am not complaining090
Mortal body, take thy rest104
Most surely it is not so hard169
My faith gives peace and rest to me102
My God, this heart I bring to Thee163
My heart doth ask: "What is Thy goal?"292
My heart is glad its songs to sing Thee158
My heart is glad its songs to sing Thee336
My house and I are ready now160
My praise, ascend to God today007
My praises to His throne now mount008
My Savior is my Pilot true313
My soul, why so troubled241
My thoughts are ever turning084
Nearer, my God to Thee314
Noah’s ark had drifted148
Not for earth and not for heaven231
Now I have found the one foundation221
Now lay this body in the ground248
Now lay this body in the ground (Alt)340
Now thank we all our God236
Now the precious hour appeareth081
Now we have heard the Savior138
O abide, True Friend Divine288
O brethren in the Savior207
O brethren, as our mirror bright142
O come hither, all ye nations!054
O Deliv’rer from all bondage035
O faithful be172
O faithful Savior, thanks to Thee204
O Father, now we seek Thee085
O Father-hand, that hath my path directed180
O Fount of love mine own202
O Holy Ghost, Thou Source of might200
O holy, heavenly hour222
O how I long to love my Lord with fervor232
O how joyous is the hour203
O how lovely is the morning166
O Jerusalem, the golden053
O Jesus Christ, Life-Given312
O Jesus Christ, my Lord201
O Jesus, Light and Treasure178
O Jesus, of all light the best303
O joy , my Savior liveth302
O joy sublime, when finally is ended146
O let us now praise our dear Savior and Friend165
O lift up mine eyes, my spirit226
O lift up mine eyes, my spirit270
O Lord of hosts, how lovely129
O Lord, my Light110
O Lord, our God, Thy name is great and glorious118
O Lord, wherever love is waning076
O Lord, with heart and soul we praise Thee064
O Majesty! We bow before Thee250
O Man of sorrows, Thou224
O man, what virtue now adorns108
O Mighty Hero, welcome121
O Paradise, O Paradise338
O Risen Lord, now let this day be holy124
O spirit of the martyrs, waken!111
O suffer with good cheer!156
O take my hands, dear Savior332
O teach me, Lord, to cease complaining066
O that I had a thousand voices329
O Thou Eternal One, to Thee be hallowed193
O Thou Holy One130
O Thou Holy One, Thou All-gracious One131
O where is the haven of rest for the soul263
O, joy, how well it is with me290
O, Lord of mercy, pure and holy075
O’er all the earth the cross is spreading171
Offer up your life and being159
Oh, be ye lifted up, ye gates004
Oh, my soul, by pain surrounded334
Oh, were I now in heaven306
One thing’s needful; Lord this treasure065
One true Shepherd, one true fold!119
Ought I for fear of mockery113
Our lot is found in pleasant places145
Our true Homeland is in heaven!198
Praise God in His sanctuary269
Praise the Lord! To join in singing233
Praise thou the Lord!208
Praise thou the Lord, the Almighty005
Praise to Jesus Christ, the Risen!060
Praise ye the Lord262
Pray, ye Christians, hallowed be174
Precious in God’s eyes281
Put on God’s mighty armor to protect you115
Rise, my soul183
Safe in the arms of Jesus321
Savior, thankfully we meet132
Shall we meet again in heaven293
Sing a new song unto God071
Sing praise to God, all ye who love the Savior191
Soon wilt Thou come in glory298
Soul, cease thy repining276
Sowing tears brings joyous harvest036
Spirit, Thou of faith, of power175
Steep and thorny is the way099
Sweet death, come thou147
Take my life and let it be324
Thank ye the Lord!279
The Christian’s glory on this earth252
The Grave of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ213
The heavens all glorify God’s Name003
The homeland in heaven draws me from this earth331
The Lord is coming! He is near056
The Lord is my Shepherd256
The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want212
The Lord most surely bore the sorrow044
The Lord my faithful Shepherd is116
The Lord my faithful Shepherd is333
The Lord Who all things guideth234
The Lord, my fear saith, "Thy needs will deny"087
Thee alone, beloved Savior322
Thee will I praise, O great Jehovah328
There is a truly blessed land259
There were shepherds abiding in the fields258
There, before God’s throne appearing249
There, before God’s throne appearing282
Thine is the light122
This causeth pain and grieveth me229
This is the day of rest and gladness257
This is the mark of love’s devotion179
This life to gloom is given083
Thou great High Priest and Savior215
Thou Lamb once slain184
Thou shalt rise; yea, thou shalt rise, my dust294
Though at times our pilgrimage088
Though the foes would harm you098
Though their foes my try them096
Though trouble assail086
Thoughtful, in anticipation275
Thy Word, O Lord, draws us together063
Time flies and death comes speedily188
To Christ on Golgatha089
To Jesus I commend my spirit247
To me free grace has been accorded220
To the fray! To the fray!021
To the hall’s of heavenly splendor301
Toward home, unto the heavenly land296
Triumph thou, God’s city fair133
True charity shall never grow less137
True simplicity of spirit246
Truly lovely, calm, and gentle316
Truly, still in God is hidden059
Tune thy harp to joyful singing315
Two ways, O man, before thee lie106
Unto Bethesda’s pool042
Unto Zion’s Mount assemble051
Up, brethren, onward pressing!185
Up, ye Christians, Christ’s own members027
Wait, oh, wait, my spirit310
Waiting is the school that here beginneth244
Wake, witness-spirit! O inspire Thou192
We are all gathered here307
We are assembled here, O Lord216
We gather together to ask the Lord’s blessing341
We now greet you, brothers, sisters330
We now greet you, our companions blest173
We sing to Thee, O Son divine!199
We tarry here in calm and peaceful union114
We who here in Jesus’ Name now gather011
We will not leave the Bible271
We worship Thee with tears of gladness025
Were God not with us in these days109
What a precious ground of grace070
What could be lovelier ever139
What could be lovelier ever297
What mean ye by this weeping155
What mean ye by this weeping285
When comes the time, Lord, oh, when may I go272
When God wrought the world’s creation040
When heart and heart in love079
When our ship of faith is drifting094
When past are these short days of trial311
When peace in my Savior my soul overflows325
When the Lord turns again the captivity of Zion255
Who by water and the Spirit187
Who is He that careth for us018
Who overcometh shall the fruit be eating304
Who shall in Thy tabernacle032
Whoever knows our King of kings230
Why should crosses ever grieve me151
Word of God from heaven097
Word of Life, thou Fount of crystal176
Would ye know my glory true?225
Ye mighty ones, give God all honor067
Ye shepherds, who the Savior love210
Zion stands securely grounded194